Our Career Guidance
Secondary School Career Guidance
Our Aim
Support and prepare students achieve a holistic approach to identify a suitable career choice and eventually have a better understanding of the workforce together with developing employability skills through a rigorous Secondary School Career Guidance Program.High-quality career guidance is an essential part of schooling that prepares students for their future. Careers are now increasingly seen as not being ‘chosen’ but as being constructed through a series of choices about learning and work that people make throughout their lives. Career Guidance ensures that our students will graduate GEMS Metropole with the confidence to effectively progress from learning to employment. We will equip our students with all the necessary information and skills required for this progression, making them successful Global Citizens of the World.
The decisions that young people make at school have a big impact on their lives – affecting not just their further education, training or employment, but also their social lives, finances and health outcomes. A key function of secondary schools is to prepare students to transition successfully toward a lucrative career path. This involves providing them with opportunities to build their general capabilities, support their interests and aspirations, and help them to make informed decisions about their subject choices and pathways. Career Guidance aims to enhance our students’ skill-set to attain a tertiary level education and eventually conquer the future work-force. This will entail the following (but will not be limited to):
Work Experience / Internships: An opportunity for MTW students that will give them a heads-up on some of the career options that are available to them even before they become a college student. This is a huge plus-point in terms of university acceptance, and an important experience for them to understand the working world better.
Community Service and Volunteering: Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service or volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it most.
University Campus Visits (around the UAE): In liaison with the various universities in the UAE (Abu-Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah), faculty-specific campus tours for the MTW students (Senior School) will be organized throughout the academic year.
Psychometric Testing (Lifology): An online assessment tool to help the students identify their interests, aptitude, learning styles, their strengths and weaknesses. This will be aimed for students in Year 11 and up.
Developing essential soft skills: Group sessions or presentations on creating their personal statements/essays, developing/enhancing their academic CV, interview skills and presentation skills, etc.
IELTS: Training sessions for students on how to prepare and sit for the IELTS (MTW is a registered testing venue).
Course and University selection: Individual/group sessions and/or presentations on university choices
Students of Determination – After-school: Identify and liaise with universities and colleges with comprehensive and inclusive support to cater our SEND students (Level 2 and 3)
Enrichment Opportunities: Regular exposure and participation at local and global Model United Nations, The World Scholars Cup, Duke of Edinburgh, Highfields and IPQ.
University Applications: On-going submissions of university application and comprehensive one-to-one career counselling sessions
Throughout the MTS Senior School, students are encouraged to develop an understanding of their individual strengths, development areas and personal interests within education and possible career pathways.
Year 9
Students are supported throughout the GCSE/IGCSE/BTEC Options process by Heads of Year, LEAD Teachers, Head of Careers and the Career Counsellor. Students will receive information in a variety of contexts such as GCSE/IGCSE/BTEC Options Evenings, parent information sessions, career fairs and online resources. The key online resource to be utilized will be Unifrog, and in addition students will have their own dedicated Year 9 Careers Day with an accompanying GCSE Subject Marketplace.
Years 10 and 11
Throughout Year 10 and 11, students will be offered slightly different support structures. As always, students will continue to have access to online resources, with Unifrog being their key tool for subject, career and university research. Year 10 will focus on the beginning of their GCSE/IGCSE/BTEC journey, touching base with their Head of Year, Career Counsellor with subject concerns and study support.
Year 11 will focus on examinations and the selection of their A-Level courses. Through this process, students will meet with middle leaders within the school to discuss their current grades and the probability of gaining entrance to Sixth Form. Students will engage in an A-Level Subject Marketplace where they will gain invaluable knowledge from staff about Sixth Form and the individual courses they may like to study. Students will furthermore have the chance to interview for Sixth Form as part of their entry process.
Our Senior School students will be invited to our many university fairs held at the school, whilst also being informed of all opportunities externally in Dubai. Prior to results day, Year 11 students will receive conditional offers for entrance into Sixth Form. By August results day, Year 11 students will have individual sign-up meetings where necessary, which will determine if they will gain entrance to MTW Sixth Form.
Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13)
By the time your child has reached the Sixth Form, the career guidance is firmly about supporting university application and individual student pathway progression. Comprehensive support documents are in place with Heads of Years and LEAD teachers that will provide students focused updates and guidance around their A-Level course progress, university/career advice and student wellbeing. Parents are encouraged to reach out to the Head of Careers or Secondary Counselor for further one-to-one support.
Throughout these two years, students will have the opportunity to attend many university fairs held at the school, whilst also being informed of the external events taking place in Dubai. There are presenters that join us throughout the year from different universities around the world to present not only about their university, but key topics being discussed around the world and key points to ensure their success in life after school and higher study. Sixth Form students will also have the chance to inform our younger years about the Sixth Form/A-Level programs.
Students are expected to research and have clear university and pathway goals by the beginning of Sixth Form so that support can be individualized. We would also expect that these goals have been communicated and agreed on with parents at home. At this stage, we support all students with how to apply to all corners of the globe, including how to complete the required documentation etc. However, we do not apply to the university for your child – this is a family process. The Head of Sixth Form and Career Counsellor will be available for student and/or parent meetings requested in advance and will do our best to support this next stage in your child’s educational journey.
Useful Links for Year 10-13: General Careers and Examination Information
www.unifrog.org for research and shortlisting of universities and courses worldwide. This tool can also be used for personality tests, career/subject research, logging community service, MOOCs and completing the university application process.
www.mypathtouni.com for GEMS partners involved to support your child’s EVERY step from school to university. This resource also supports parents in understanding the international student journey. This is a tool to further support our schools' career guidance staff.
www.oxfordaqaexams.org.uk for information about Oxford AQA International
www.careerswales.com click on Tools and Resources, Leaflets and A-Z
www.brightknowledge.org for careers information
www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/careers for careers research
www.ucas.ac.uk useful for researching career pathways and suitable higher education courses in the UK
russellgroup.ac.uk/informed-choices/ Guide to choosing A-Level options
oxbridgeapplications.com For students applying to Oxford or Cambridge Universities
prospects.ac.uk/options_with_your_subject.htm Information on graduate recruitment from a range of degree courses
fulbright.co.uk for students with British qualifications wanting to study in the USA
collegeboard.com to register for the SATs (required for entry to US universities)
educationau-incanada.ca to research university and college courses in Canada
studyoptions.com covers Higher Education in Australia and New Zealand
study-in-europe.org covers Higher Educations options in Europe
For more information or questions, please contact the relevant Head of Sixth Form and Secondary Career Counsellor.
Career Guidance
Al Noor Heritage and Culture
Al Noor Heritage and Culture Center
Duke of Edinburgh Award
GEMS Metropole School is excited to offer the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award from September 2020. This globally recognized award equips young people for life and work.